8 (800) 333-12-32
+7 (8412) 54-12-68
+7 (495) 204-27-72

New line of Prizma-3 microwave sensors.

The line of modifications Prizma-3 new possibilities of multitasking microwave sensors.

Sensors have become universal:

  • received up to 8 frequency letters;
  • communication channel with control panel via RS-485;
  • reduced sealed enclosures made of stainless steel and aluminum;
  • arctic performance.

There is a possibility of advanced adjustment of parameters not available when adjust-ing directly on the blocks. Now, with the control equipment, you can change the sensi-tivity, response thresholds and the width of the detection zone, track signal amplitudes, select speed ranges (up to 8) of the movement of intruders and algorithms (up to 8) of signal processing.

Technical support by calling 8-800-33-12-32 or +7 (8412) 54-12-68 ext. 103.